少年时期的一次偶然事故改变了金伯利·希尔的人生轨迹. 现在, she's using her experience to fight for others 和 dispel misconceptions about people with disabilities as New York State's first-ever Chief Disability Officer.
那是1988年末. 金伯利·希尔是新哈特福德的一名高三学生, NY, 和朋友们一起度过新年的最后几个小时.
直到午夜时分, 参加派对的青少年开始倒计时, the room's energy rising 和 culminating with frenzied jumps 和 cheers as the clock struck midnight.
山, 身体上挤在朋友的人群中, 发现自己被击倒在地, 突然无法移动. 不可思议的是,她摔断了脖子.
“这就是侥幸的定义,希尔说。, 谁能回忆起她出事后的几个月,对医院的记忆是模糊的, 手术, 和康复. She spent nearly eight months in the hospital – the first two months were spent at Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse, 最后六个月在白原市的伯克康复中心, NY. 正是在这段时间里,医生和理疗师帮助她康复, 学习如何适应轮椅, 并过渡到她17岁的新生活
她当时还不知道, but the implausible tragedy would set 金伯利山 on a path to become one of the most powerful 提倡 for people with disabilities in New York State. 作为利记sbo的学生, 她刚康复18个月就登记了吗, 希尔对州政府产生了热情, 和 honed the skills that would propel her into a decades-long career in the New York State Assembly — all while refusing to let her disability get in the way.
"Kim has defied being pigeon-holed," says Jim Murphy, 山's former government professor 和 mentor. 无论是作为一名大学生还是现在作为奥尔巴尼的一名领导人, 她从不让自己的残疾影响自己."
金伯利山 had just begun to explore college options when her accident altered everything. 计划, which she had hoped would include college in New York City 和 a career in the merch和ising industry, 被无限期搁置. 就像她生活的其他部分一样, 希尔在青少年时期精心规划的未来,现在似乎模糊不清了, 由于身体的限制,她需要无数的让步和妥协.
但, 1989年夏天, 参观当时的雪城大学尤蒂卡学院,开启了一种新的可能性. 事故发生后, 希尔父母的支持和支持对她的康复和应对起到了至关重要的作用. 她的妈妈芭芭拉几乎把照顾希尔当成了她的全职工作. The entire family knew that finding a college nearby would allow 山 to continue to rely on her parents' support. 不过,希尔对通勤不感兴趣. 获得完整的大学经历, 她知道, 意味着大学生活的一切:住在校园里, 在食堂吃饭, 和朋友一起参加聚会, 在春天的下午在院子里闲逛. 尽管在过去的几个月里她经历了很多变化, 希尔还没准备好放弃自己的梦想.
她对尤蒂卡的访问使她恢复了希望. 住得那么近, 希尔意识到她低估了当地大学的学费, 但现在, after a tour 和 multiple assurances that adjustments could be made to the physical campus to ensure accessibility, 希尔觉得自己找到了最合适的人选.
“(尤蒂卡)离我家只有10分钟的路程, 有几个我感兴趣的项目, 这就说得通了,她说. 到那时, her career goals had moved away from merch和ising 和 toward journalism 和 public relations, 尤蒂卡因这两个项目而闻名全国. 在她来访后不久, 希尔申请并被录取了, 主修公共关系和新闻,辅修政府管理.
“我父亲在州政府工作了很长时间, 所以我有了一个想法,我想在这个领域做点什么,她回忆道。.
她的校园生活也安排得井井有条. With help from then-Director of Residence Life Mark Kovacs 和 some tweaks by facilities to make her route to campus buildings more accessible, 希尔住进了校友堂一楼的一间公寓, 接下来的四年她住在哪里.
正如她所希望的那样, 希尔享受着典型尤蒂卡学生的生活, 在社交和学术上都很成功.
在课堂上,她擅长传播学和政府学课程. 政府教授吉姆·墨菲和理查德·埃默特是宝贵的导师.
事实上,正是在艾默特的一节课上,希尔特别认识了一位朋友. A year her junior, fellow government student Mike Ridley '95 was as politically minded as 山. They grew closer while working on future Congressman Mike Arcuri's winning bid for Oneida County District Attorney in 1993.
希尔说:“我们一拍即合. “我们的利益是一致的."
吉姆·墨菲教授能毫不费力地记住金伯利·希尔, 尽管距离她第一次进入他在德佩诺大厅的教室已经30年了.
“她坐在前排的右边,”他回忆道. “她说话非常温和、亲切、低调. 她做得很好."
在墨菲的夜间竞选管理课程上, 希尔的“智慧和才能”给他留下了深刻的印象, 他说. 然后是大三学生, 希尔和墨菲谈论了她的职业抱负, 而墨菲处在一个独特的位置,可以提供帮助.
At the time, Murphy himself was working in the state legislature as director of the intern program. 大会一直在寻找有才能的实习生加入工作人员, 墨菲很乐意从他的学生中提供建议, 他们中的许多人也是传奇公关教授雷·西蒙的助手.
山, 他知道, would thrive in a position within the Assembly’s Communication 和 Information Services Department, 这需要熟练的写作技巧和“在压力下的某种气质”,他解释道. 在一个如此年轻的人身上找到如此成熟的气质是很少见的,但金却有."
1994年1月, 在墨菲的建议下, 山 interviewed for 和 was offered a job that seemed the perfect marriage of her interests 和 education; doing writing, 研究和平面设计为民主的大多数.
1994年春天从利记sbo毕业后,希尔搬到奥尔巴尼开始工作. 她的男友迈克·雷德利很快加入了她的行列, 在12月毕业之前,他花了一个学期往返于尤蒂卡之间, 很快,他也在州议会中找到了自己的职位.
By 1998, 山's career took a fortuitous turn when she was approached about an open position within the Assembly, 担任残疾人士专责小组主任.
工作队的重点是有身体和感官残疾的人, 及署长, 她学会了, would help create 和 evaluate initiatives for people with disabilities living in New York. 通过立法帮助他人的机会太诱人了,不容错过.
“我知道我有能力做出改变,帮助人们更独立地生活, 在社区中更具包容性,希尔说.
希尔得到了这个职位, 在二十多年的时间里, became one of Albany’s most vocal 和 most effective 提倡 for New Yorkers with disabilities. 最明显的是, she worked with Assembly members to advance legislation related to the state’s Nursing Facility Transition 和 Diversion Waiver, which allows seniors 和 people with physical disabilities to have more control over the services they receive while living in community-based settings. In 2002, 她倡导通过了最一体化环境协调理事会, ensuring that New Yorkers with disabilities receive care 和 services in the most integrated settings appropriate to their needs. She served with the Assembly’s St和ing Committee on People with Disabilities as their principal analyst, 并帮助策划了超过24个年度立法残疾宣传日, 带来了数百名残疾人, 他们的家庭, 提倡, 和议员们每年都来奥尔巴尼.
她接受特遣部队职位的决定似乎是坚定的. 希尔不仅仅是残疾人权利的代言人. 她代表纽约的残疾人,是一股力量.
到2021年夏天,金伯利山比以往任何时候都要忙. 就像全球几乎所有人口的情况一样, the COVID-19 p和emic had created unprecedented obstacles for people with disabilities in New York.
在许多其他方面, 与家庭护理行业相关的问题是希尔最关心的问题, 由于疫情加剧了本已举步维艰的家庭护理和直接护理行业.
“当你依靠家庭护理每天起床并独立时, 没有这种帮助可能是毁灭性的,她说。.
更大的动荡, 长期担任纽约州州长, 安德鲁·库莫, 最近辞职了, 州政府也在不断变化. 即将上任的州长, 民主党人凯西·霍赫尔, 他于8月24日就职, 2021, 和, 据希尔说, 带来了她对残疾人权利和就业包容的新视角.
“I admired how Governor 胡赫尔选票 took office ready to rebuild 和 make these issues a priority,她说。.
Part of 胡赫尔选票’s agenda was the creation of an entirely new office supporting people with disabilities, 这将由一个新职位来领导:该州有史以来第一位首席残疾人官.
当职位空缺的消息传到希尔的办公桌上时, 她首先想到的是她的家人:迈克·雷德利, 是她30多年的伴侣, 还有他们的孩子, 米凯拉, 19, 和亚历克斯, 14.
“我知道, 立即, 这将是一次戏剧性的职业转变, 我必须权衡工作和生活的平衡,她说。, 尽管她无法否认这份工作的非凡魅力.
“工作描述反映了我为大会所做的一切, 而是在全州范围内的行政会议厅. It represented the chance to make some real change as part of an administration deeply committed to these issues, 我觉得我需要探索一下.”
“我可能尖叫了一下,希尔笑着说, recalling the moment 她学会了 she had been selected as New York’s first-ever Chief Disability Officer.
她的新上司霍赫尔州长也很兴奋. 在2022年2月的一个仪式上, 霍赫尔称赞希尔是一位“超级明星”,因为她长期从事倡导工作.
“她的风度和现有的关系将使我们受益,胡赫尔选票在她的评论中说. “对你来说,这个标准很高,金姆,但我毫不怀疑你会达到的.”
尽管她的新职位很高调, 希尔的工作, 过去和现在, has always focused on two fundamental goals: inclusion 和 independence for people with disabilities — both of which 山 says start with employment.
“纽约残疾人的失业率令人震惊,希尔解释道, “其中很多都与雇主的误解有关. Employers who are unfamiliar with people with disabilities may not underst和 just how valuable they can be as employees.”
我们正在努力改变这些观念, 山 和 her office are working with state agencies 和 the dozens of service providers 和 not-for-profits that play a role in the employment of people with disabilities.
同时, 山 is identifying all of the roadblocks 和 barriers that are preventing people with disabilities from exploring employment options 和 opportunities. 山 expects that tackling this issue with a multi-pronged approach will dramatically improve the employment rate for people with disabilities, 并在实现胡赫尔选票州长的目标中发挥重要作用,政府为残疾人提供了200个工作岗位.
And despite the many challenges still facing New York’s Chief Disability Officer 和 the people she serves, 希尔不由自主地为她的办公室和整个州设定了长期目标.
“My real hope is that New York becomes a leader in disability policy 和 integrating people, 因此,每个人都觉得自己在社区中被包容和被重视,她说。. “这才是真正的意义所在.”
利记sbo获得1美元.2 Million NYS Grant for Accelerated Educator Preparation Program; Teacher C和idate Applications 现在 Open
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